Filename | Description | Authors |
images | Directory of scanned images of survey sketches | Jill Rowling |
ballroom.th2 | Ballroom | Jill Rowling |
bathroom.th2 | Bathroom | Jill Rowling |
ccaveoflow.th2 | Creek cave overflow | Jill Rowling |
ccofloop.th2 | Creek cave overflow | Jill Rowling |
ceilingroom.th2 | Ceiling Room | Jill Rowling |
chalkersretreat.th2 | Chalkers Retreat | Jill Rowling |
collonades.th2 | The Collonades | Jill Rowling |
creekcavebrh.th2 | Creek Cave and Bushrangers Hall | Jill Rowling |
creekcavewest.th2 | Creek Cave, western area | Jill Rowling |
drawingroom.th2 | Drawing Room | Jill Rowling |
droughtbreaker.th2 | Drought Breaker | Jill Rowling |
dssump1.th2 | Downstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
dssump2.th2 | Downstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
ftentrancech.th2 | Figtree Entrance Chamber | Jill Rowling |
holetowater.th2 | Hole to Water | Jill Rowling |
lolevel.th2 | Lower levels under the tourist cave | Jill Rowling |
nave1.th2 | The Nave | Jill Rowling |
nave.th2 | The Nave | Jill Rowling |
operahole1b.th2 | Holes under the Opera House | Jill Rowling |
operahole1c.th2 | Holes under the Opera House | Jill Rowling |
operahole1.th2 | Holes under the Opera House | Jill Rowling |
operahouse.th2 | The Opera House | Jill Rowling |
shortcut.th2 | Jill Rowling | |
sumpjunction1.th2 | Sump Junction | Jill Rowling |
sumpjunction.th2 | Sump Junction | Jill Rowling |
thepit.th2 | The Pit Descended | Jill Rowling |
thepitdescended.th2 | The Pit Descended | Jill Rowling |
thepitdetail.th2 | The Pit Descended | Jill Rowling |
upperbathroom.th2 | Upper Bathroom | Jill Rowling |
upssump1.th2 | Upstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
upssump2.th2 | Upstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
upssumpbypass.th2 | Upstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
upssump.th2 | Upstream Sump | Jill Rowling |
vicarch2brlower.th2 | Victoria Arch to Bathroom lower passage | Jill Rowling |
vicarch2brupper.th2 | Victoria Arch to Bathroom upper passage | Jill Rowling |
vicarchnth.th2 | Victoria Arch, northern area | Jill Rowling |
vicarchwside.th2 | Victoria Arch, western area | Jill Rowling |
vict.th2 | Victoria Arch from survey course | Jill Rowling |
Processed date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM