Cave Archive and Versioning Experiment

SUSS / Wombeyan Repository

Filename Description Authors
images Directory of scanned images of survey sketches Jill Rowling
ballroom.th2 Ballroom Jill Rowling
bathroom.th2 Bathroom Jill Rowling
ccaveoflow.th2 Creek cave overflow Jill Rowling
ccofloop.th2 Creek cave overflow Jill Rowling
ceilingroom.th2 Ceiling Room Jill Rowling
chalkersretreat.th2 Chalkers Retreat Jill Rowling
collonades.th2 The Collonades Jill Rowling
creekcavebrh.th2 Creek Cave and Bushrangers Hall Jill Rowling
creekcavewest.th2 Creek Cave, western area Jill Rowling
drawingroom.th2 Drawing Room Jill Rowling
droughtbreaker.th2 Drought Breaker Jill Rowling
dssump1.th2 Downstream Sump Jill Rowling
dssump2.th2 Downstream Sump Jill Rowling
ftentrancech.th2 Figtree Entrance Chamber Jill Rowling
holetowater.th2 Hole to Water Jill Rowling
lolevel.th2 Lower levels under the tourist cave Jill Rowling
nave1.th2 The Nave Jill Rowling
nave.th2 The Nave Jill Rowling
operahole1b.th2 Holes under the Opera House Jill Rowling
operahole1c.th2 Holes under the Opera House Jill Rowling
operahole1.th2 Holes under the Opera House Jill Rowling
operahouse.th2 The Opera House Jill Rowling
shortcut.th2 Jill Rowling
sumpjunction1.th2 Sump Junction Jill Rowling
sumpjunction.th2 Sump Junction Jill Rowling
thepit.th2 The Pit Descended Jill Rowling
thepitdescended.th2 The Pit Descended Jill Rowling
thepitdetail.th2 The Pit Descended Jill Rowling
upperbathroom.th2 Upper Bathroom Jill Rowling
upssump1.th2 Upstream Sump Jill Rowling
upssump2.th2 Upstream Sump Jill Rowling
upssumpbypass.th2 Upstream Sump Jill Rowling
upssump.th2 Upstream Sump Jill Rowling
vicarch2brlower.th2 Victoria Arch to Bathroom lower passage Jill Rowling
vicarch2brupper.th2 Victoria Arch to Bathroom upper passage Jill Rowling
vicarchnth.th2 Victoria Arch, northern area Jill Rowling
vicarchwside.th2 Victoria Arch, western area Jill Rowling
vict.th2 Victoria Arch from survey course Jill Rowling

Processed date: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM