Filename | Description |
ballroom_north.jpg | Ballroom, north area |
ballroom_south.jpg | Ballroom, south area |
batchamber.jpg | Bat Chamber |
bathroom.jpg | Bathroom |
bathroom_north.jpg | Bathroom, north area |
belfry.jpg | The Belfry |
bushranger.jpg | Bushranger Hall |
bushranger_north.jpg | Bushranger Hall, north area |
cc_brhall_1.jpg | Creek Cave to Bushranger Hall |
cc_oflow_east2.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow, east area |
cc_oflow_ext.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow, extension |
cc_oflow.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow |
cc_oflow_loop.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow loop |
cc_oflow_xs1.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow, cross section |
cc_oflow_xs2.jpg | Creek Cave Overflow, cross section |
cc_rifts.jpg | Creek Cave rifts |
cc_west1.jpg | Creek Cave, west area |
cc_west2.jpg | Creek Cave, west area |
ceilingroom.jpg | Ceiling Room |
chalkers1.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers2.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers3.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers4.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers5.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers6.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
chalkers7_xs.jpg | Chalker's Retreat, cross section |
chalkers8.jpg | Chalker's Retreat |
collonades.jpg | The Collonades |
creekside.jpg | Sth side of creek that flows from Victoria Arch |
drawing_room.jpg | Photo of Drawing Room sketch |
droughtbreaker_scrap.jpg | Droughtbreaker scrap |
ft_entrance_chamber.jpg | Figtree Entrance chamber |
ft_show24_batend1.jpg | Figtree Showcave near Bat End |
ft_show24_batend.jpg | Figtree Showcave |
ft_showrail_107_copy.jpg | Figtree Showcave, nearest the railings |
ft_showrail_107_orig.jpg | Figtree Showcave, nearest the railings |
ft_showrail_142.jpg | Figtree Showcave, nearest the railings |
ft_showrail_160.jpg | Figtree Showcave, nearest the railings |
highbathroom.jpg | High Bathroom |
highbathroom_xs.jpg | High Bathroom cross section |
hole2water1.jpg | Hole to Water |
hole2water3_rot.jpg | Hole to Water, rotated |
hole2water_north.jpg | Hole to Water, north area |
map_2W150.SUS1_part1.jpg | Part of Map 2W150.SUS1 |
map_2W150_xs1.jpg | Part of Map 2W150.SUS1, a cross section |
map_2W150_xs2.jpg | Part of Map 2W150.SUS1, a cross section |
map_2W150_xs3.jpg | Part of Map 2W150.SUS1, a cross section |
nave20101127.jpg | The Nave |
nave.jpg | The Nave |
operahole_1a.jpg | Holes under the Opera House |
operahole_1b.jpg | Holes under the Opera House |
operahole_1c.jpg | Holes under the Opera House |
operahole_1c_rot.jpg | Holes under the Opera House |
operahouse_north_rot.jpg | Opera House, north area, rotated |
operanave.jpg | Links the Opera House and the Nave |
rockpiles.jpg | Rockpiles |
sump_dnstream_1.jpg | Sump downstream |
sump_dnstream_2.jpg | Sump downstream |
sump_jnct1.jpg | Sump junction |
sump_jnct2.jpg | Sump junction |
sump_jnct_xs.jpg | Sump junction cross section |
sump.jpg | Sump |
sump_upstream_1.jpg | Sump upstream |
sump_upstream_2.jpg | Sump upstream |
sump_upstream_3.jpg | Sump upstream |
sump_upstream_bypass1.jpg | Sump upstream |
sump_upstream_bypass2.jpg | Sump upstream |
thepitdescended.jpg | The Pit Descended |
vicarch2creek.jpg | Victoria Arch to Creek |
vicarch_east_rot.jpg | Victoria Arch, east area, rotated |
vicarch_east_xs6.jpg | Victoria Arch, east area, cross section |
vicarch_east_xs8.jpg | Victoria Arch, east area, cross section |
vicarch_mid2.jpg | Victoria Arch, middle area |
vicarch_mid_rot.jpg | Victoria Arch, middle area, rotated |
vicarch_mid_xs.jpg | Victoria Arch, middle area, cross section |
vicarch_north1.jpg | Victoria Arch, north area |
vicarch_north2.jpg | Victoria Arch, north area |
vicarch_north3.jpg | Victoria Arch, north area |
vicarch_north4.jpg | Victoria Arch, north area |
vicarch_nw.jpg | Victoria Arch, north-west area |
vicarch_sw1.jpg | Victoria Arch, south-west area |
vicarch_sw2.jpg | Victoria Arch, south-west area |
vicarch_west.jpg | Victoria Arch, west area |
vicarch_west_xs.jpg | Victoria Arch, west area cross section |
Processed date: Sat, 08 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM