Cave Archive and Versioning Experiment

SUSS / Wombeyan Repository

Filename Description Authors License
w2_bullio_data01.jpg Upper entrance Phil Maynard, Rod Obrien, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w2_bullio_data02.jpg Upper levels Phil Maynard, Rod Obrien, Geoff McDonnell, Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data03.jpg Upper levels Phil Maynard, Rod Obrien, Geoff McDonnell, Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data04.jpg Main Entrance Phil Maynard, Rod Obrien, Geoff McDonnell, Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data05.jpg Main Entrance Phil Maynard, Rod Obrien, Geoff McDonnell, Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data06.jpg Upper levels Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data07.jpg Main ladder pitch Alan Pryke, Sean Hill, Michael Fraser CC-BY
w2_bullio_data08.jpg Main ladder pitch Alan Pryke, Sean Hill, Michael Fraser CC-BY
w2_bullio_data09.jpg From stream level to pitch Phil Maynard, Martin Pfeil CC-BY
w2_bullio_data10.jpg From stream level to pitch Phil Maynard, Martin Pfeil CC-BY
w2_bullio_data11.jpg Finger of Judgement, to stream Phil Maynard, Richard Pfeil, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w2_bullio_data12.jpg Finger of Judgement, to stream Phil Maynard, Richard Pfeil, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w2_bullio_data13.jpg Downstream to end Mark Staraj, Verity Morris CC-BY
w2_bullio_data14.jpg Downstream to end Mark Staraj, Verity Morris CC-BY
w2_bullio_data15.jpg Downstream side passage Phil Maynard, Matthew Fisher CC-BY
w2_bullio_data16.jpg Downstream side passage Phil Maynard, Matthew Fisher CC-BY
w2_bullio_data17.jpg Passage normally sumped Phil Maynard, Simon Goddard, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w2_bullio_data18.jpg Passage normally sumped Phil Maynard, Simon Goddard, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w2_bullio_data19.jpg Side passages above junction Rod Obrien, Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data20.jpg Upstream end Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w2_bullio_data21.jpg Upstream end Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w2_bullio_data22.jpg Upstream end Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w2_bullio_data23.jpg Upstream end Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w2_bullio_data24.jpg Upstream end Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w2_bullio_data25.jpg Upstream not at the end Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien CC-BY
w2_bullio_data26.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Megan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data27.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Megan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data28.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Megan Pryke CC-BY
w2_bullio_data29.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Matthew Fisher CC-BY
w2_bullio_data30.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Matthew Fisher CC-BY
w2_bullio_data31.jpg Upstream side passages Phil Maynard, Matthew Fisher CC-BY
w87_maresfc_data01.jpg Mares Forest Creek Cave Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Sean Hill, Richard Pfeil, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w87_maresfc_data02.jpg Mares Forest Creek Cave Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Rod Obrien, Sean Hill, Richard Pfeil, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w87_maresfc_data03.jpg MFC side passages Phil Maynard, Simon Goddard, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY
w87_maresfc_data04.jpg MFC side passages Phil Maynard, Simon Goddard, Geoff McDonnell CC-BY

Processed date: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM