Cave Archive and Versioning Experiment

SUSS / Wombeyan Repository

Filename Description
bcra3.svx BCRA survey grade file.
bcra4.svx BCRA survey grade file.
bcra5.svx BCRA survey grade file.
bcra6.svx BCRA survey grade file.
bcra8.svx BCRA survey grade file.
sigma.svx Sigma Cave, Main file, contains all the includes.
aragonit.svx Sigma Cave, Aragonite Canyon.
downstrm.svx Sigma Cave, downstream section from the top of "Fallaway Drop" then along streamway to sump.
entlower.svx Sigma Cave entrances plus nearby cave entrances.
entupper.svx Sigma Cave upper entrance (W415) inwards to main chamber.
iota.svx Sigma Cave, from the base of the Funnel Room to Alpha Amble, Upside Down Passage, Bat Corner & Iota Grotto.
mainchamber.svx Sigma Cave main chamber and upper level loops.
medusa.svx Sigma Cave Medusa room, connects to 42 section & main.
nudome.svx Sigma Cave, Downstream section from where the passage widens, up the sticky ramp to what used to be called Nu Aven.
omega.svx Sigma Cave, Omega Chamber
upstream.svx Sigma Cave, upstream section from the top of "Fallaway Drop" then along the streamway to "Knockers Cavern Two".
tatshawl.svx Tattered Shawl Cave W161 survey.

Processed date: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM