Cave Archive and Versioning Experiment

SUSS / Wombeyan Repository

Filename Description Authors License
w4_basin_sketch01.jpg From basins back towards entrance Phil Maynard, Guy McKenna, Kristen McKenna CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch02.jpg Big chamber with gours Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore, Tina Willmore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch03.jpg Chamber north end of cave Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore, Tina Willmore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch04.jpg North west corner of cave Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore, Tina Willmore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch05.jpg W81 Entrance Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Denis Stojanovic CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch06.jpg North west corner of cave Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Denis Stojanovic CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch07.jpg Upper levels, north west corner of cave Phil Maynard, Alan Pryke, Denis Stojanovic CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch08.jpg Entrance area Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore, Tina Willmore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch09.jpg Basins area Alan Pryke, Phil Maynard, Megan Pryke CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch10.jpg Pyramid Chamber Alan Pryke, Phil Maynard CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch11.jpg Pyramid Chamber Alan Pryke, Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch12.jpg The Segment area Alan Pryke, Phil Maynard, Kevin Moore CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch13.jpg Rift passage north of Pyramid Phil Maynard, Katie Keophilaphet CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch14.jpg Manky passage under mankymites Phil Maynard, Katie Keophilaphet CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch17.jpg Passage to upper Pyramid Chamber Phil Maynard, David Rueda, Hossein CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch18.jpg Cross sections in upper levels Kevin Moore, Phil Maynard CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch19.jpg Cross section in Pyramid room Kevin Moore, Phil Maynard CC-BY
w4_basin_sketch20.jpg Passages below the Grotto Phil Maynard, Greg Tunnock, Paul McKendry CC-BY

Processed date: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 at 11:45 PM