SUSS cavers looking out over the Cooleman Plain.

Trip List

All upcoming trips are listed here. Email the trip leader to sign up.

All trips are suitable for beginners, unless otherwise stated. It is YOUR responsibility to inform the trip supervisor of any relevant medical conditions which may in any way affect your fitness, such as diabetes, asthma and the like. There will usually be costs involved when going on any trip. Check the Beginner’s Handbook for information on the expected costs, for area-specific information, and general info about caving. Alternatively, ask the trip coordinator or your driver if you still have doubts about how much a trip will cost you.

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to join a trip, please get in touch with the trip leader and let them know 2 weeks prior to the trip (you may be able to sign up closer to the time but this is dependent on numbers):

  • Your previous experience with caving (if none, that’s okay!)
  • What suburb you are leaving from and if you require a ride or can provide one for others
  • If you need to borrow SUSS gear. Things you’ll need for the trips that can be borrowed from SUSS include:
    • helmets
    • head torches (bring your own batteries - 8 x AA)
    • overalls
    • tents
  • No pets on trips

For more information, please read through our Beginners Handbook.


1-8 Cooleman Trip
Trip Contact: TBA


1-2 Canyoning Trip (1 day)
Trip Contact: Phil Maynard

15-16 SRT Training BBQ
Trip Contact: Lara Munahe

21st: Monthly Bouldering Evening: 6:00pm-8:30pm
Come for some bouldering fun at Nomad Bouldering Gym Annandale (and hone your cave climbing skills).
Cost: Students $14. Non-students $24.
Trip Contact: Julius Pucci:

22-23 Wombeyan Caves Trip
Trip Contact: Lily Guo

29-30 Borenore Trip
Trip Contact: Phil Maynard


5-6 Canyoning Trip
Trip Contact: Phil Maynard

Trip Videos

Middle Cove SRT Day
Bungonia September Trip